<< Popolo 8/2006 >>
My first attempt at translating a magazine! These are from Popolo 08/2006.



Recent News:
I bought a new bed! I can sleep well every day and it's comfortable.
Recently, I bought a new bed. I used to sleep on a futon but when I was in Tokyo for about half a year I slept in a bed. Since I got used to it, I can't sleep on a futon anymore! The bed's a semi-double so it's pretty wide and super comfy. My skin may become pretty by this everyday comfort [smile].

Tell Us a Rainy Memory:
When I was little, I was listless when it rained.
Lately, when it rains I like the smell of the wet concrete but when I was little I would be depressed. That's probably because if it rained Phys Ed would be in the gym and the pool would be closed...

Ohkura Tadayoshi. Born 5/16/85 in Osaka. O blood type.



Recent News:
I went out to eat and chatted with my dad!
Lately, I often go out to eat with my dad. I get along well with my dad and at the house I'm his son but if we go out it feels like we're friends. From work stories to girl stories, we talk about it! Like girl preference, nothing really stands out. However, once in a while I can�ft go and I must look pitiful because I give such a sad face [smile].

Tell Us a Rainy Memory:
I was rained on for a PV but...
In the "Osaka Rainy Blues" PV there was a rain scene. It was winter so it was terrible and then they didn't even use the scene that much! I was kind of shocked [smile].

Maruyama Ryuhei. Born 11/26/83 in Kyoto. A blood type.



Recent News:
The concerts are over so I wanna play!
During the concerts, I couldn't really relax but now that the tour is over I just wanna fool around. For example, go out to eat with friends, hang out all night... Oh, after I answer today's three questions, I wanna go to the sea so I'm going to immediately go for a drive there [smile].

Tell Us a Rainy Memory:
Why do I always attract the rain? It sucks [smile].
Basically, because I really hate the rain, I don't have memories of it... Oh, but there's a guy that always gets rainy weather and a guy that always gets nice weather, right? WTF? These people don�ft exist so it ticks me off [smile].

Yokoyama Yuu. Born 5/9/81 in Osaka. A blood type.



Recent News:
Disappointment at the nonscary ghost?!
I bought and watched an old horror movie. I knew it was released on DVD, was suddenly reminiscent, thought I wanted to see it and bought it. However, it's been 10 years since I last saw it so it wasn't that scary this time. In the past, it scared the crap out of me. Oh, I just started feeling all alone...

Tell Us a Rainy Memory:
I remember a rain scene in "One Litre of Tears" quite well!
In "One Litre of Tears" I was rained on quite often. In scenes that only had rain, not only did the rain fall but being rained on while filming was kind of bad. In the 8th story, it was changed to �g(music note) Konayuki~�h [smile].

Nishikido Ryo. Born 11/3/84 in Osaka. O blood type.



Recent News:
Everyone, if you find the matching cross necklaces, please wear them!
Subaru and I have necklaces that we always wear. We wore the necklaces and Maru also bought one. There are fans searching for the matching cross necklaces the three of us have. Because of that, I feel a connection with everyone and am happy.

Tell Us a Rainy Memory:
In elementary school, a huge storm came...
When I was in elementary school, there was a day with lots of rain, thunder and lightening. I ran home from school in the rain and a lightening bolt struck nearby. I was extremely surprised. I think I wet my pants a little from fright. Heh [smile].

Yasuda Shota.



Recent News:
It appears I have lots of allergies!
Lately, I thought I should get a check up so I went to the ear, nose & throat doctor and underwent some tests. It turns out I have a lot of allergies. I already had bad pollen allergies, however... it seems I also have allergies to cedar, hinoki, weeds, house dust, dogs and cats. It�fs a pity that I can�ft become Mutsugorou-san [smile].

Tell Us a Rainy Memory:
It�fs a typhoon�fs fault that I was stuck on the shinkansen for 8 hours!
I was on the shinkansen from Osaka when it stopped because of a typhoon. The train cars just stopped where they were on the curve so we were tilted for about 8 hours. I was late for work, so that was also bad.

Shibutani Subaru. Born 9/22/81 in Osaka. O blood type.



Recent News:
The novel I started reading is interesting.
Right now, I�fm reading a foreign mystery book. I read it during the concert and also while I was riding the shinkansen. Ryo read it before and said it was interesting. So, I had an interest in it before but I didn�ft have a chance to read it. After the movie is released I�fll read it again but this is interesting and I look forward to the movie being released in Japan.

Tell Us a Rainy Memory:
It�fll be raining until I want to play futseru, where it will then clear up.
A day where I would want to play futseru would probably have rain from the morning. But, I�fll get ready and get in the car and then it�fll clear up and I�fll start playing. It�fd be nice to have a lot of these times.

Murakami Shingo. Born 1/26/82 in Osaka. AB blood type.


~* July 06, 2006 @ 7:17 pm *~

* Critiques? *

|| cartoon KAT-TUN II You 2007 June 04, 2007 || Copyright?! November 11, 2006 || The Tickets Showdown October 26, 2006 || Star Filled Sky October 11, 2006 || Year 2 October 01, 2006 || 
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